Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Stone Circle

DCI Harry Nelson has just received an enigmatic note from someone about a stone circle.  It brings back memories of a past case, yet seems to have been written by someone who knows him and is known to be dead.  He talks to his friend Dr. Ruth Galloway about it.  The following Sunday morning there is a bag on his front step with another note and a small stone in it.

Out at a dig Ruth is surprised to find that it is supervised by the son of her former mentor. Shortly after leaving, she is called back because bones have been discovered.  It doesn’t take her long to realise that they are the bones of a child and that they are recent.

Two weeks later, DNA evidence helps identify the bones as belonging to a twelve year old girl who had gone missing over thirty years earlier.  Shortly afterwards Ruth receives an enigmatic letter, in this case about the body she had excavated.  Nelson is sure that the letter has come from the same person who sent his.

Who is the threat coming from?  Author Elly Griffiths slowly builds up the tension in this murder mystery including another and a baby abduction.  Naturally there is much mystery regarding stone circles including one across the country.  Griffiths leaves the reader on the edge of their seat before releasing the tension.  A very good quick read.

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