Thursday, June 6, 2019

Striking Murder

DS Michael Brennan has been called into Wigan Borough Police Station early on a Sunday morning in the winter of 1893.  Captain Bell tells him that Arthur Morris had been found murdered in the wee hours.  Morris was a colliery owner, which was one of many suffering from a five month miners’ strike.  The colliery owners were threatening to bring in blackleg workers.  However, the main question is, what was Morris doing in that part of town at night?

Several days on, and no suspects in sight, Brennan and DC Jaggery leave the pub into a foggy night.  Each goes his separate way, but Brennan is followed and attacked.  Left for dead in the cold, it is fortunate that he was found by a thief who knew him and got him to the infirmary.  Will this set back the investigation?

Author A. J. Wright’s murder mystery is based on a time of an actual strike/lockout.  The killer can’t be allowed to get away with killing, however it is going to take a resolute mind to find the killer.  Brennan’s steadfast gathering of evidence will put the killer behind bars, but not without a few surprises.  A good quick read.

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