Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Murder in the Rue de Paradis

Aimee Leduc has spent a romantic night with Yves Robert, an investigative reporter for Agence France Press, only to find him gone in the morning.  He had asked her to marry him, and she had said yes.  She wasn’t impressed that he wasn’t there in the morning.  A few hours later she is asked to identify a murder victim, whose last call had been to her cell phone, which had been switched off the night before.  The victim is Yves!  She promises him that she will find out who was responsible.

Aimee finds a photographer who worked with Yves and begins to investigate his murder.  She finds out from him that he had been looking into Turkish Kurd rebels.  From a note in Yves’ wallet she learns about an assassination attempt planned on an important Kurd member of the Turkish parliament.  What could she do to prevent it?

When the photographer is murdered in the Gare du Nord, just as Aimee is arriving to meet with him, she knows that she too is being watched.  She is fortunate to be able to frustrate the assassination attempt, but afterwards she learns that Yves was investigating a group called the Yellow Crescent from the Middle East that doesn’t want Turkey to become a part of the EU.

The more that Aimee learned, the more the questions rose up.  When shots are fired at her, Aimee thinks she can identify the killer of Yves and the person behind the planned assassination.  However, when she gets to the assassin, her mind is changed.

Will the arrest of the assassin be the end of Aimee’s search?  Author Cara Black has more for Aimee to do in this thriller before she can solve who the killer of Yves is, and it comes with a surprise.  A good quick read.

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