Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Angel in the Glass

Early one morning in the summer of 1604, Doctor Gabriel Taverner was called out by the coroner Theophilus Davey to exam a body of a vagrant man.  Upon examination of the body, Gabe is sure that he had died from natural causes, although he was diseased.  What disease, Gabe was unsure.

Theo had discovered a fragment of paper on the man.  Upon examination of it, he realises that it was the drawing of a man.  What is the significance of it?

Meantime, Gabe and his sister are concerned about the health of their friends Reverend Jonathan Carew.  He has seemed unwell and distracted of recent.  When he comes to Gabe for help, Gabe is willing to be of assistance.  The pair discover a set of stained glass windows that had been missing from Jonathan’s church for some time.  However, a sixth panel is amongst the others.  It is of a naked angel with a naked man.  It surely didn’t belong with the others!

A few days later, Gabe and Theo are called out to the home of Lady Clemence Fairlight.  She has been murdered in the night, and the killer has extracted the heart.  Is there a connection to the death of the vagrant several days before?

It is going to take some serious investigation on the part of Gabe and Theo to discover the killer.  Author Alys Clare leaves the painful discovery right to the end with a couple of surprises thrown in for good measure.  A good quick read.

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