Friday, July 19, 2019

The Red Ribbon

Wiggins has gone in search of a girl, who his friend, Jax has said is missing.  The trail takes him to the Embassy of Olifa, which turns out to be a high class brothel.  It is here that he also learns that the king has died.  The brothel will be very busy with important dignitaries from Europe when they come for the king’s funeral.

Wiggins’ boss, Vernon Kell, informs him that they have a major task now.  Wiggins is to investigate clerks who might have shared information about a proposed treaty with Italy.  They also need to be on guard for a potential assassination during the king’s funeral.

Fortunately nothing happened during the funeral.  However, no progress is being made by Wiggins, and Kell is warned that his department could be closed down and turned over to Special Branch.  He gives Wiggins a list of ministers who could have revealed the treaty information, with instructions to check them out.

However, before he can check them out, Wiggins runs into trouble as does Kell’s opposite number in the other branch of secret services.  As a result, Kell, his wife Constance and Wiggins have to head to Germany.

Can their journey into Germany prevent a major international crisis?  And what of the leak of information about the treaty with Italy?  Author H. B. Lyle’s historical thriller has plenty of action awaiting Wiggins and Kell.  This was a rollicking good read.  I can only hope that Lyle is in the process of writing a sequel.

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