Monday, April 13, 2020


Chief Inspector William Wisting has been called out to the beach where a training shoe had washed up.  The remains of a human foot protrudes from the shoe.  Crime Technician Espen Mortensen joins him shortly afterwards.  This is the second one found there recently.  Both have been the left foot.  That means that there are two corpses still out at sea.

Who could the feet belong to?  Wisting brings together a team, which includes Nils Hammer of the narcotics division and Torunn Borg, plus Moretensen.  They only have a list of four missing people to go by.  They had been missing for some time, but other cases had since intervened.  Three were elderly gentlemen, and the fourth was a woman in her thirties.

A day later another shoe with a foot in it is found.  Once again it is a left foot, but this time the shoe is different.

Wisting is caught off guard when one of his potential witnesses disappears.  When her car is found in the bottom of a small lake, the investigation becomes a criminal one.

DNA evidence helps identify two of the victims.  The third is an unknown.  However, a fourth foot in a shoe soon turns up.  Is it the foot of the missing witness?  If so, they are only three days behind the killer.  It isn’t long before Mortensen tells the team that it is actually a pig’s foot.  Someone had played a trick on them.

There seems to be a connection between the missing people, either directly or indirectly.  Now, to tie them together more specifically.

Author Jorn Lier Horst’s first novel in this series is an excellent read.  As the bodies pile up, Wisting is seemingly as confused as ever.  It is by good police work that he is able to solve the case.  I look forward to reading the books following in this series.

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