Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Watching the Ghosts

DCI Emily Thwaite has had an intriguing invitation to lunch from a woman she has only met through parent meetings at school.  She and DI Joe Plantagenet are currently working on an unusual case where a man has been breaking into the homes of various women and then stacking furniture in front of the front door.  The latest break in was different in that the person had left a threatening note.

The woman who was to meet with Twaite never showed up.  The following morning she received a call from the husband asking for a meeting.  When she and Plantagenet met with them, he tells them that she was missing and that his step-daughter had been kidnapped.  The kidnapper had called that morning wondering why his wife hadn’t shown up.

The missing woman is found dead, floating in the river.  Her car is found with her bag in it, but no ransom money.  It appears that her killing has similarities to that of a serial killer, but he is dead.  So, there must be a copycat killer at large.  Later, the money turns up, but the child remains missing.

After that, the body count begins to mount. Author Kate Ellis builds very palpable tension for the reader and for DI Joe Plantagenet.  When and how will the death toll come to an end?  The reader will have to push through the pages to find out.  This always an excellent read and hard to put down!

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