Saturday, April 11, 2020


Detective Elinborg has been called out to a murder scene in Thingholt outside Reykjavik.  As the head of forensics puts it, the scene is like an abattoir.  The following day a forensics officer tell her and her partner, Sigurdur Oli, that Rohypnol tablets had been found in the victim’s jacket pocket and on the table.

The autopsy reveals that the victim had Rohypnol in his mouth and throat.  As the investigation progresses, Elinborg learns of one woman that the victim had met through his work.  They had also later apparently met randomly at a bar.  He lost interest in her when he found out that she didn’t drink.  Another woman tells Elinborg of her strange relationship with the victim, and how strangely he had behaved with her.

Elinborg feels that every person that she speaks to is a potential suspect.  However, when she does come up with two real suspects, things change.  She uses questioning techniques that tend to confuse the suspect.  However, both suspects continually deny having killed the victim.

Elinborg has another suspect in mind, but she needs proof.  How can she gather the evidence?

Author Arnaldur Indridason’s murder mystery is full of suspense with a very surprising conclusion, leaving the reader caught off guard.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.  It has been some time since I had read one of Indridason’s novels and I am glad that I picked up this one and look forward to reading the remaining books in this series.

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