Sunday, June 7, 2020

By Murder's Bright Light

Coroner Sir John Cranston has been asked by under-sheriff Shawditch to come and inspect a house, which has been robbed.  It is the sixth in the ward which has been robbed recently.  In each case the owner has been away and the servants heard nothing.  No door or window has been breeched.

Shawditch mentions another problem.  A sailor had returned to his ship in the early hours on the Thames, only to find that the watch was missing.  Where could they have gone and why?  And, what caused the death of the captain of the ship recently?

The following morning while Athelstan is at breakfast, a man comes to the church claiming sanctuary.  Soon after ruffians come charging into the church in an attempt to capture the man because he has killed their master.  Just as the leader of the ruffians Is about to attack Athelstan, Cranston shows up.  They then go to examine the site of the murder, leaving the apparent killer in the church.

Later, they go to the ship, which had lost its captain and three crew members.  They are unable to learn anything of use other than the fact that the captain was not well liked, nor was his partner, who had been apparently killed by the man now in Athelstan’s church.

When another robbery occurs, the thief is surprised by a maid.  He kills her.  Athelstan is shocked to see that she was very young.

How will Athelstan and Cranston go about solving these crimes?  Author Paul Doherty has plenty of action awaiting the pair, including a battle aboard the ship with French pirates.  The conclusion is a surprise, too.  A rollicking good read.

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