Saturday, June 27, 2020

Triple Jeopardy

Daniel Pitt hasn’t seen his sister, Jemima, for some time now, and he is a bit nervous to meet her, her husband, Patrick and their two daughters.  However, things go quite smoothly.  Patrick is a policeman in America and he asks Daniel for help in prosecuting a diplomat who assaulted a young woman in the states.  The man had returned to England claiming diplomatic immunity.

Shortly after this, Patrick informs Daniel that the diplomat has been charged with embezzlement.  He wants Daniel to prosecute the case, but Daniel points out to him that he is unable to.  However, his firm would be able to take on the defence of the man.  Kitteridge, in Daniel’s mind, is just the lawyer to handle the case, and he could act as his second.  However, he is surprised when the head of the law firm, Marcus fford Croft, assigns the case to Daniel alone.

Meeting with the accused, Daniel promises him the best defence possible.  Is it possible that the young man has been framed for the embezzlement?  On Kitteridge’s insistence, Daniel turns to Miriam fford Croft, a scientist who had helped them in a previous case.  She determines that some of the documents the prosecution will present have been forged.

The court case had just begun when Patrick comes to inform Daniel that a potential witness in Washington has been murdered.  Could Daniel’s client have killed him before he left?

In order to get more background information, Daniel and Miriam travel to Alderney.  There, Daniel, with the help of Miriam, comes up with a solution.

Author Anne Perry, has woven another tightly knit thriller in “Triple Jeopardy”.  This series is definitely a good one and I look forward to reading the next book.

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