Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Murder Below Montparnasse

Aimee Leduc has just helped her godfather achieve a sting against the Corsican mafia.  Unfortunately, she can’t share the victory with Rene, her partner.  He has taken the opportunity to move to Silicon Valley in California.  She does still have Saj de Rosnay, their part time hacker available.

As Saj is driving Aimee for a meal after the sting, a man wanders into their path and is hit by the car.  Saj is taken by the police for questioning, however Aimee has questions of her own.  Why is there no blood from the man?

Prior to the accident, Saj had given Aimee an envelope containing five thousand francs.  She had no idea who the money had come from, but the mystery man appears at the accident.  When Aimee goes to his nearby home, they find that he has been robbed of a special painting.

At the hospital Aimee learns that a relative of the accident victim was trying to get at Saj, but fortunately, he was prevented from doing that. 

As her investigation progresses, Aimee is sure that there might be two groups interested in the painting.  Before she can learn more, the mystery man is murdered.  He had told Aimee that he knew her mother, whom she hasn’t seen for years.  And not long after the man he had appraise the painting dies.

Things turn ugly when Aimee is physically threatened.  This time they are trying to get at her mother as well as the painting.  Aimee has no knowledge of either. 

Aimee won’t have to do things on her own, as she has a very good intern and now Saj is back.  But it won’t be easy, as none of her investigations are.  Author Cara Black makes Aimee work hard for every answer.  This particular thriller ends with a couple of surprises for Aimee.  A good read.

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