Saturday, September 19, 2020

Merchants of Virtue

August 1685, France and Louis XIV intends to ensure that all of France is catholic.  The Huguenots were to be banned from practising their religion.  He plans on overturning the Edict of Nantes.  Will they convert or leave France?

In Montauban Jacob Delpech de Castanet is concerned for his pregnant wife and children in light of the situation.  However, Jeanne wants to be with him for the birth of their child.  It isn’t long before the army marches into their town.  Soldiers are to be billeted in the homes of Huguenots .  Nine soldiers are assigned to Delpech’s home.  They have no regard for his position in society nor the quality of the house.  They just want to be fed and provided with a place to sleep.

Most of the soldiers were mercenaries of Germanic stock who cared little for French traditions and culture.  However, Jacob and Jeanne refuse to give up their faith in order to rid themselves of the soldiers in their home.  The nine soldiers are moved on and another group moved in.

Eventually Jacob would be imprisoned and Jeanne sent to live in the country with the children.  But for her, that wouldn’t even be enough.  She was forced to give up her children to her sister and her husband, and then go into hiding.

“Merchants of Virtue” is the first book in a trilogy that chronicles the Huguenots’ trials when Louis VIV decides to make all of France catholic.  Author Paul C. R. Monk follows one family as they are split asunder and persecuted for their beliefs.  A good quick read.

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