Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Saint Peter’s Fair

A committee of Shrewsbury has come to the nearby monastery to request that a portion of the funds raised during the three day Saint Peter’s Fair be given to the town to help repair the degradation, which had occurred during the siege the king had put the town under the previous year.  Abbot Radulfus outright refuses the request.

When preparations for the fair are underway, Brother Cadfael is helping a Welshman who doesn’t speak any English.  They notice a group of about twenty-five young striding towards the grounds.  They seem hellbent on making trouble.  However, they simply requested what their elders had of the abbey.  The merchants denied the request, and a simple misunderstanding led to a riot!  The local lads disperse when the sheriff’s men show up.

That evening one of the merchants seems to have gone missing.  His niece is quite concerned.  Deputy Sheriff, Hugh Beringar, commences a search for the missing man.  The following morning he shows up - dead. He had been found in the river downstream naked, and with a stab wound to the heart from behind.

Is the leader of the lads who was seen in conflict with the merchant guilty?  He was arrested in the early morning hours.  Emma, the niece is not so certain.  A preliminary hearing is held before the sheriff, who deems the crime serious enough for him to be held until further evidence is gathered.

After the hearing, Emma discovers that someone has been aboard her uncle’s barge and stolen a few of her items.  That night someone breaks into her uncle’s booth and steals the strongbox.  Emma’s only concern is that the man guarding the strongbox is safe.  As a result, both Cadfael and Hugh are left wondering whether she knows what is being searched for and where it actually is.

How many more are going to die?  Will Emma admit to knowing what is being searched for?  Author Ellis Peters Hints at the culprits throughout this mystery and leaves the reader guessing.  An enjoyable quick read.

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