Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Apothecary Rose

Owen Archer was just that, a masterful archer.  However, an attack by two people resulted in the loss of sight in one eye and damage to his shoulder.  Nevertheless, his two attackers fared worse with the loss of their lives.  Owen wondered what’s use he was to anyone with only one eye.  The Duke of Lancaster had a solution; Owen would become a spy for him.

When the duke dies, Owen is at a loss.  He thinks of travelling to Italy, but before he can do that, the Archbishop of York calls for  him.  The archbishop is concerned about two deaths, which have occurred in York.  Both seem to have been from the same cause.  Are they related or not?  He has been assured that the infirmarian at the abbey is to be trusted.

In York, Owen is told to apply as an apprentice to the apothecary that might be connected to the two deaths.  However, first Owen must meet with the infirmarian, Brother Wulfstan.  He also meets with the Riverwoman, a healer.  He gathers minimal information, however he does gain work at the apothecary owned by Nicholas Wilton.  Wilton is bedridden, so his wife Lucie has taken charge.

When a man, who works for the Archdeacon is found dead, Owen wonders if his connection to the man had anything to do with his death.  A few hours later someone tosses a torch into his room at the inn.  Fortunately, he was not in there and they were quickly able to put the fire out.

How many more are to die before Owen can find the truth?  Author Candace Robb has written an excellent historical mystery in the first of a series.  I look forward to reading the next book.

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