Saturday, October 10, 2020

Black Sun Rising

Chief Inspector Maitland of Scotland Yard has just asked private detective Harry Lawton if he has any interest in a job in Barcelona.  Apparently a man had been blown up by an anarchist’s bomb there.  He had left a sum of money to a woman in his will.  His widow wants to know more about it.

Lawton begins his investigation by trying to learn more about the dead man.  What he learns makes him not like the man.  However, the pay is good, and he is prepared to go to Barcelona.

Using fingerprints from the corpse, and a couple of other bits of information he had been provided with, Lawton is able to determine that the corpse is indeed the man he was looking for.  Now, he needs to find the woman.  However, the bank manager where the cheque was written refuses to help.

Lawton’s quest leads him to a journalist by the name of Bernat Mata.  Both men feel that there is something sinister about the city.  Later, Lawton comes to the conclusion that the dead man was involved in the study of eugenics with a group of like-minded men

Death and destruction are bound to follow Lawton and Mata as they go about the investigation.  They will be surprised by what they discover.  Author Matthew Carr’s thriller is set amidst the “Tragic Week”, which actually happened in Barcelona in - .  Carr has told an intriguing story based on many factual events.  An enjoyable read.

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