Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Fire Baby

Reporter Philip Dryden has made a promise to a dying woman; he will get her daughter back to be with her before she goes.  Maggie Beck shares the room with Dryden’s wife, Laura.  Maggie had also been a good friend of his mother.

Dryden has also been provided with information about a missing woman by DI Newman, who is an avid birder.  In return Dryden provided him with information about a rare gull.  Dryden is researching his own story about illegal immigrants.  A few days later, a man drops into the newspaper office; his daughter has been missing for five days.  The picture he shows to Dryden is the same girl Newman had shown him.

Just before she dies, Maggie tells Dryden and her daughter a shocking story.  She requests that he write it up and put it in the newspaper, which he does.  The same day the story is published, the missing woman shows up.  She tells Dryden that her father is now missing.

What trouble will the two stories lead to for Dryden?  Author Jim Kelly has plenty of trouble ahead for Dryden.  Murder aplenty, plus tapes, which reveal much about Maggie’s story.  One wonders how Dryden can manage to come out of this thriller alive.  Well written, and fast paced.  Quite an enjoyable read.

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