Monday, October 26, 2020

The Lady Chapel

A man has been murdered in the liberty of York Minster and his hand cut off.  Archbishop Thoresby  wants Owen Archer to find the killers.  While the pair are discussing the murder, Bess Merchet bursts into the office with the hand.  It was found in a guest room.  The guest has departed, but Bess had heard him arguing with the victim the night before.

Owen is to go to Beverly to speak to the man in whose room the hand was found.  Before leaving he asks his wife, Lucie to find out about the boy, Jasper, who had seen the murder occur.

Some time later, the man Owen had gone to question is back in York visiting the archbishop.  That same night he is set upon, murdered and his hand sliced off.  Who was his hand sent to?  The wife of the dead man hints that his own commercial past may have had something to do with his death and that of his friend.

As his investigation progresses, Owen learns from Lucie that the physick that the dead man was taking contained arsenic.  It had been given to him by his wife!

What danger is Owen headed for?  Will he die because the archbishop wants to bring down the mistress of the king?  Author Candace Robb has plenty of action, murder and treachery awaiting both Owen and Archbishop Thoresby in this historical novel.  A very good read.  I am looking forward to reading the sequels.

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