Monday, December 7, 2020

Murder at Kensington Palace

Young Raven and Hawk have just informed Charlotte Sloane of a very gruesome murder of a nobleman.  Apparently the “Bloody Butcher” has struck again.  Charlotte wishes to know more and sends a message via the boys to The Earl of Wrexford to find out more.  It doesn’t take long for him to arrive at her home to discuss it.  

When Wrexford names the victim, Charlotte collapses in a faint.  Sent away, Wrexford is left to wonder why she fainted.  Having learned that the victim’s twin brother has been charged with the murder, returns to tell Charlotte.  She immediately denies that the brother would have done it.

Wrexford arranges for the pair to visit the incarcerated brother, who gives them a couple of leads, plus a plausible alibi.  Charlotte’s contacts indicate that the killer is someone of the upper crust.  Yet, at the same time, her questions only raise more questions.

While Charlotte sends Raven and Hawk into the stews of London, Wrexford and his friend Sheffield attend a brothel to question a woman the alleged killer spent the night with.  The latter come up with some surprising information.  But Charlotte has her own sources, too.

Wrexford learns that the victim had been experimenting with electricity.  He also learns that he had been engaged in experiments with electricity on his own body.

Charlotte comes to the conclusion that she must return to society, which means informing those closest to her of her past.  It also means, hopefully the help of an elderly aunt.  Will that help be forthcoming?

Author Andrea Penrose throws up a number of potential killers for Charlotte and Wrexford to investigate, however as they are killed or disappear, new prospects appear.  So, who is the killer and how will these amateur sleuths find out?  One has to read this historical murder mystery to find out.  A good quick read, and fast paced at the end.

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