Friday, December 11, 2020

The Devil’s Novice

A new oblate has just joined Cadfael’s abbey.  When Cadfael first saw the nineteen year old, he felt that the lad was at odd with his father who had accompanied him.  Cadfael doesn’t know what to make of the new novice, Meriet.

After an accident to another novice, in the middle of the night, Meriet has a disturbing dream, which causes him to scream out in terror.  Cadfael finds him still asleep, although obviously disturbed.  Not waking the lad, he comforted him back to sleep.  A few days later, Meriet talks loudly in his sleep.  Does a devil possess him in his sleep?

Later Deputy Sheriff Hugh Beringar informs Cadfael that a cleric, who was on a mission to gain support for the king, has disappeared.  It appears that he disappeared after visiting the home of Meriet.  The man’s horse is found riderless not far away.  When Hugh brings the horse to the abbey, Meriet blanches at the sight of it.  Only Cadfael notices his reaction.

Meriet reacts violently when one of the brothers takes a ribbon wrapped around a bit of hair that belongs to him and burns it.  He is punished as a result.  Cadfael offers to go to the home of Meriet to learn more about him.  He does learn more, but it is from a girl who wants to be Meriet’s girl.

Having served his punishment, Meriet is sent to work with Brother Mark and the lepers.  While they are in the forest gathering wood, Mark and Meriet discover the body of a man.  Beringar and Cadfael investigate, with Beringar firmly sure that Meriet knows something.  Later, he confesses to Brother Mark, however Mark disbelieves him.

What author Ellis Peters presents to the reader is a story of murder, treachery and treason.  If Meriet isn’t the killer, who is?  It a girl and the discovery of a jewelled pin that leads to the outing of the killer, but not before more damage is done.  A good quick read.

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