Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Red Hill

Thomas Berrington is a surgeon employed by Sultan Abu al-Hassan Ali in Gharnatah, Spain.  The sultan wants Thomas to investigate a number of attacks and deaths which have occurred in the harem.  A couple of serving girls have been killed.  The sultan wants the killer found before he kills someone more important.

Jorge, a eunuch in the Sultan’s palace, informs Thomas that the murders had been investigated by the Vizier’s clerks.  However, he is sure that it was simply to cover things up.  It would not be good to have it known that there had been killings in the palace.

While beginning the investigation, they hear screaming.  Both run to its source.  They find the sultan’s pregnant wife Safya with her arm severed.  She is dying, so Thomas immediately begins a Caesarian to save the baby.  While doing that, guards and the sultan arrive.  Thomas is arrested.  Will he, Jorge and the two girls who were with Safya at the time be beheaded?

Fortunately, the sultan still wants Thomas to continue his investigation.  Upon reaching the room where the deadly incident had occurred, he and Jorge find that it has been cleansed.  No evidence of the killer can be found.  Jorge lists who could have entered the room without anyone noticing.  While examining the body of the servant girl, Thomas discovers that the killer had grasped her with his left hand and it is missing two fingers.

As Thomas and Jorge close in on their target, they endanger themselves.  Thomas is attacked and injured.  The vizier wants to send him away, but Thomas refuses.  As a result he is cast out of the palace.  

With no where to turn, will Thomas and Jorge continue their search for the killer or will they become the hunted?  Author David Penny’s first in this series has danger awaiting the pair and those close to them.  How many more will die as their quest progresses?  Penny has written an excellent historical thriller, full of deceit, treachery and a complete plot twist at the end.   I found this story hard to put down.  I look forward to reading the sequels.

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