Sunday, February 24, 2013

Crowded Grave

A body has been found at an archeological dig near St. Denis.  Bruno, chief of police for St. Denis, has been called out to investigate because the body is a relatively new skeleton, not an ancient one.  Bruno's friend Fabiola is called to examine the skeleton.  She discovers what is possibly a bullet hole in the skull.

Bruno doesn't have time to stay at the site as he has been called by the brigadier of intelligence to a meeting.  He is asked to look after the perimeter security for an upcoming summit, which is intended to discuss Basque terrorism with Spanish counterparts.

St. Denis is given a new, young, gung ho female magistrate at this time.  Bruno wonders if he is going to have to tone down her rough edges to help her fit in to the community.

A day later a farmer shoots what he thought was a fox trying to get at his animals.  However, when he heard a scream, he was sure it was a human that he had shot.  Bruno has been investigating acts by animal rights people in the area.  Could this be another attempt?

Shortly afterwards a case of dynamite is stolen from a nearby quarry.  Is this the work of the animal activists or terrorists set on disrupting the summit?  It is at this time that the leader of the archeological dig disappears.  Bruno discovers some mysteries in his past as he searches his home.

As the investigation continues, surprising evidence comes to light tying a number of things together.  Author Martin Walker provides an exciting and tense conclusion to his latest novel about Bruno, Chief of Police.  An excellent read and sequel to "The Black Diamond".

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