Friday, February 15, 2013

The Salton Killings

"The Salton Killings" start with two gruesome murders.  Chief Inspector Charlie Woodend is sent in by Scotland Yard, along with a new DS Bob Rutter to investigate. 

Woodend is sure that the victim's best friend is holding back information.  However, the investigation must continue.  His team discover that there had been another murder of a young woman in Salton during the war.  Many felt that her American boyfriend had done it, but there was no postmortem conducted at the behest of her father.  Was something being hidden?  More questions arise than answers.

The murderer returns to the scene of the crime, which Woodend has had locked up.  He breaks in and is surprised by a couple of cops, one of whom he bashes over the head and the other he surprises in the police car by smashing in the wind screen.  Woodend wonders what the murderer was looking for.

When Woodend explores the graveyard of the small town, he discovers two relatively new graves.  Both young girls, both drowned.  He believes that the girls were victims of the same murderer.  They now have a serial killer, one who is becoming more active.

Author Sally Spencer presents a number of potential murderers throughout this mystery and completely catches the reader off guard when the real culprit is discovered.  A very good read, and I look forward to the sequel.

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