Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Get Out or Die

Auriela Marcella runs a little inn outside of Eburacum.  One morning after a wild party at the inn Aurelia finds a body outside the inn under an oak tree.  The young man appears to be a Roman soldier, and appears to be barely alive.  A small disc is found on the man and it is enscribed in Latin with the warning for all Romans to get out or die.

Aurelia arranges for a local native hunter, named Hawk, to scout the area of the attack.  She also meets with the head of the town council.  Something needs to be done to protect their security.

When two Roman soldiers appear wanting to take the injured man, Quintus,  Aurelia smells something fishy and prevents them.  She is also surprised when one of her guests turns out to be a cousin of hers.  It all becomes very confusing to Aurelia.

Quintus asks Aurelia to cover for him so he can do some local investigating.  Meanwhile, the murders continue.  Each body is left with a disc, and the same message.  Later, it becomes personal when Aurelia is attacked, and a threatening message left on one of her buildings.  She arranges for a barricade around her inn, which is later attacked.  She discovers during the attack that she has a traitor in their midst.

Author Jane Finnis presents an interesting and exciting conclusion to this historical novel.  Well written, and it has me looking forward to the sequel.

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