Saturday, April 20, 2013

Avon Street

Belle Bennett is an actress down on her luck.  She shares a flat with Jenny and Jenny's daughter Molly.  Jenny sews bonnets to make a living, but has had to borrow from Nathaniel Caine, who collects his money back with interst.  If he doesn't get it back, his thugs will beat the borrower.  Belle feels threatened by an actor named Cauldfield and a rogue by the name of Frank Harcourt.

James Daunton is a member of society, but his debts are piling up.  His friend, Dr. Richard Wetherby, warns him that many are aware of his looming insolvency, the banks won't lend to him, so where will he turn?  His annuity from land in Ireland has dried up as a result of the famine.

James' friend, Father Sean Brennan, has promised the poor of Avon Street that he would set up a Friendly Society to help them save money and to lend to them in times of need.  For that he is beaten by Caine's thugs.

James has been conned by Frank Harcourt, a man he implicitly trusted,  into gambling his money away.  As he wanders drunkenly along Avon Street he is set upon by thugs.  He manages to get away with the aid of John Doyle, however, he kills one of the thugs in his escape, and the thugs are set in revenge.  James has two options, to give in, or to fight.

With the help of a former con, James and his friends begin to scheme.  Author Paul Emanuelli gives a very descriptive writing of how the scheme is plotted and carried out.  He builds tension and releases it partially time and again as he takes the reader to the ultimate conclusion.  An excellent read.

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