Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Twylight Tower

Elizabeth has been on the throne for a short time.  In that short time her forces have defeated France and Scotland and forced a treaty on them.  Unfortunately her favourite musician has just fallen to his death because of too much drink.

Elizabeth accedes to the request of her cousin, Henry Carey to investigate the death of Geoffrey, her lutenist.  William Cecil, her main advisor wants Elizabeth to get back to concerning herself with the running of the country instead of dallying with Robert Dudley.  Cecil is also concerned about de Quadra, the Spanish ambassador.  He is sure the Spanish want to put Mary, Queen of Scotland and France on the throne of England.

Meantime, Elizabeth is sure someone is watching her and some of her servants are quietly investigating, what they feel, was not the natural death of her musician.

During a play, in which Elizabeth is to be raised as in flight, her loyal man, Luke Morgan collapses while holding the rope which suspends Elizabeth.  Things appear very suspicious.  Is Luke or Elizabeth the intended victim?  Author Karen Harper present three possible suspects behind the threat to Elizabeth.

It isn't long after this that Dudley's wife dies from a fall down the stairs.  Are Dudley and Elizabeth complicit in her death as many in the realm will come to suspect?  Elizabeth puts into motion an investigation into what she is now calling murders.

This novel is good, but not one that excited me as a reader.

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