Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Pendragon Murders

England is at peace, but Merlin is uneasy.  However, Colin, aka Nimue, and Petronus convince him to visit Dover.  Arthur gives him a task on his way to extend condolences to baron Darrowfield, whose father recently died.

When the three arrive at Darrowfield's castle they find Arthur's sister Morgan Le Fey, her son and Uther, Arthur's father in residence.  The trio stay at the castle before going on to Dover.  The younger two enjoy the festival, but just as it is ending, plague strikes.

Merlin determines that it is necessary to immediately return to Camelot in order to advise Arthur on the plague.  On the return trip they are stopped by crowds at Stonehenge for the autumn equinox.  As the approach the shrine three bodies are discovered there; Darrowfield and his three sons.

The plague begins to slowly spread throughout England.  As Arthur and his retainers are preparing to leave Camelot on a mission, his jester drops dead of what appears to be the plague.  However, something bothers Merlin about the death.

Arthur decrees that the cavalcade must proceed.  Unfortunately the weather is against them, and before they reach their destination, the entire group, including Arthur and Merlin are captured.  Fortunately Arthur had a force a day behind them, and were rescued.

Morgan awaits them near their journey's end.  How did she get there so quickly and why?  Is she a threat to her brother, the king?  If she is, how can they bring her to trial?  Merlin has his work cut out for him.

I thoroughly enjoyed this third novel in the Merlin mysteries by J. M. C. Blair. 

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