Friday, April 12, 2013

Does Your Mother Know?

DS Christine Morris is on course in Edinburgh, courtesy of her Canadian police force.  While attending a lecture she is called to the phone.  Apparently her mother has been involved in a car accident; here in Scotland.  Christine didn't even know that her mother was in Scotland.  Her mother has disappeared from the scene and her passenger was killed.

Christine decides to go to the scene of the accident and check it out with the aid of the local police.  The island is small and it appears that her mother has disappeared into thin air.  On their way to the site, Christine's escort Sergeant Gillies receives a call.  Apparently her mother's car was seen leaving a place where a body has now been discovered; a body that has been dead a couple of days.

Christine has the victim's female companion take them through the house after the body has been removed to see if anything is out of place.  It seems as though a few things are tidier than normal.  The case takes a strange twist when the woman who owns the B & B where Christine's mother had been staying reports that a Sergeant Gillies has been there and picked up her suitcase, claiming that Christine's mother is okay.

Christine gets the shock of her life when she attends the dead man's funeral.  Now she finds that she has a number of new questions that need answers.  The answers that she gets shock her to the core.

Maureen Jennings latest novel is an extremely good read, which  I thoroughly enjoyed.

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