Monday, August 28, 2017

A Dangerous Place

It is 1937 and Maisie Dobbs is in Gibraltar.  She is on her way home to England from India after experiencing tragedy in her life.  Maisie had been out for a walk one evening and discovered the body of a man.  Now she wants to know more about him and what led to his death.

Maisie decides to enlist the man that the Secret Service has watching her to help her in her investigation.  Then another man comes from London to see Maisie.  Maisie realises that she needs to get back into her investigative form as soon as possible.

Maisie also meets a professor, who wonders if she had ever met a colleague of his in Cambridge.  Although she had, she denies it.

It is a day later that German bombers attack Guernica, killing innocent civilians.  Maisie is overcome with grief.

As Maisie continues with her investigation, she becomes sure that she is being manipulated by the British Secret Service.  But what is their connection to the murder?  What would her mentor, Maurice and her former assistant, Billy have to say about the case?  Maisie decides to sneak into Spain to check on things; it means going into a war zone.  Will she find any answers there?

Author Jacqueline Winspear's latest novel follows a different trail this time.  There is less active investigation and more angst.  A good read.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Penance of the Damned

Abbott Segae has been murdered.  He was the religious advisor to King Colgu of Cashel.  Colgu has. When invited to visit the site of the murder, but it is in territory, which could be potentially dangerous to him.  So he decides to send his sister Fidelma to investigate.  On the way there Fidelma and her partner Eadulf are informed that it is Gorman, the head of Colgu's bodyguard who has been accused of the murder.

During initial discussions Fidelma is informed that Gorman is either to be turned over to the religious community for execution or left to be judged under the old laws of Ireland.  She comes to the realisation that Gorman has not really been tried, only evidence has been presented.  She calls for a proper trial to be held.

Fidelma's investigation only leads to more questions, and then Gorman escapes his confinement.  Does this prove his guilt?  Can he brought back before a decision has to be made about his guilt?  A decision which could lead to war!

When a young woman is found hanging it is thought that she committed suicide, but Eadulf points to her crushed skull that this is not the case. The rope that hung her belonged to a religious scribe who is missing.  He is found in the river dead from blows to the head.  Who killed them and why?  Is it connected to the death of the abbot?  If so, why?

As they gather more evidence, it appears to point to a conspiracy to overthrow Colgu's neighbour.  Is it possible for the little group to stop the conspiracy?

Author Peter Tremayne's historical murder mystery is full of action and intrigue.  A thoroughly enjoyable read and hard to put down.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Leaving Everything Most Loved

A young woman from India has been killed in London, and Scotland Yard has not had any success finding the killer.  The brother of the woman has come from India to ask Maisie Dobbs to take on the case.  Billy Beale feels there is something quite not right about the case.

Shortly after talking to a potential witness, Maisie is told by DI Caldwell of Scotland Yard that the witness has been killed in the same manner as the previous victim.  Maisie is also surprised when working on another case, that of a missing boy, she discovers that the family knew the first victim.  Alas, Maisie just can't seem to tie the threads together.

It's all one messy web, and although Maisie does finally figure things out, she has her own personal conundrums to solve.  The latter will be a send off for her on a new adventure.  Author Jacqueline Winspear has once again written a good mystery, although not one of her best.  A quick read.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Zig Zag Girl

The top part and legs of a body were found in the left luggage at Brighton station.  DI Edgar Stephens would later receive the torso addressed to him as "Captain" Edgar Stephens - his rank in the recent war.  He turns to his old magician friend, Max Mephisto, for help because this reminds him of a magic act where a woman is sawed into three parts.

Max is shocked when he sees a picture of the dead woman.  She had been his assistant at one time!  From that information, Stephens is able to find her lodging and a note there that seems to have been printed out specifically for her.

The case takes a bizarre twist when a comedian is killed in his lodging room.  Stephens had been invited to visit him just before he was killed.  There is a connection between Stephens, Max and the new victim from back in the war.  Why was he killed?  Stephens is convinced that the deaths are related to their role with the Magic Men during the war.  He decides that the best option is to check on the remaining members.

Stephens then receives a picture of the Magic Men, with an X through the face of the recent victim, and a promise of "The Wolf Trap" trick.  Does this mean another victim?  What is The Wolf Trap?

Author Elly Griffiths' murder mystery has a few twists to the plot before its surprising conclusion.  A good, quick read.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blood Will Out

DS Liz Falla has been called out to the home of a hermit.  It appears that he has hung himself.  After her boss, DI Ed Moretti returns from London, they get the post mortem report.  The pathologist wonders how a man with limited upper body strength could have created the huge knot which broke his neck.  Looking at the home of the hermit, Moretti and Falla come to the conclusion that whoever helped the man commit suicide was looking for something amongst his books.

They are joined by a fast tracked officer, DC Al Brown, who has been just posted to Guernsey.  While working on the case an attempt is made on the life of Liz's aunt's neighbour.  His neck had been slashed and the doctor who examined him found what appeared to be bite marks on his throat.  Moretti is sure that the two cases are tied together.

The question is, how can Moretti prove hi theory?  There is one person who knows who the killer is; Meg the Gypsy.  However, she is not prepared to tell anyone.

Author Jill Downie's murder mystery ends with another murder that shows who the real killer is.  A quick and good read.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Admiral's Daughter

Thomas Kydd and Nicholas Renzi have just returned to England from Van Dieman's Land, where Kydd finds orders for him to head to Plymouth.  He is lucky enough to be given command of his old ship, "Teazer".  Even before he can get his full complement of crew and provisions, Teazer is ordered to Le Havre to bring refugees before war broke out.  However, upon arrival he discovers that Bonaparte has declared war and ordered the arrest of any English people in France!

Teazer barely makes it away, and unfortunately has to leave some of her crew behind.  The next task for Teazer is to patrol the coastline.  Kydd brings Renzi aboard to act as his secretary.  Kydd's new lieutenant is a man called Standish, who seems to be experienced and prepared to do his duty.  Before they ship out, Kydd is invited by the admiral to a ball.  It will be an entirely new experience for him.  It is at the ball that he meets Miss Lockwood, the admiral's daughter.

Teazer sets sails eighteen men short of a full compliment.  It doesn't take long for the crew to begin to work together.  At Fowey Kydd is made aware of a French privateer plying the nearby waters.  He offers to convoy ships to Falmouth.  Off Penzance they discover a French privateer, and begin chase.  The captain of that ship definitely knows the waters and is able to escape.

Returning to Plymouth, Kydd is convinced by his sister, Cecelia, to lease a house.  He installs his friend Renzi there, too.  Once settled in, Kydd receives an invitation from the admiral's wife to a picnic.  He takes his sister with him, to impress upon her his new social standing.  Later when he and Renzi host a party, Kydd is surprised when Miss Lockwood shows up as a friend of another guest.  Cecelia tells him to not think too much of it.  Renzi suggests that the young lady is toying with him.

Teazer' next task was to take on smugglers along the coast of England.  Although they capture the ship and men, they don't get the cargo.  Kydd decides to put a couple of men ashore to see if they can infiltrate the smuggling gang.  Will the information gained be of any value?

Author Julian Stockwin has his hero doing battle on land as well as at sea. Will the saying "Love conquers all" prove itself true or otherwise?  His land battles prove to have as many hazards as those at sea.  Another good sea adventure from this author.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Swedish Girl

Detective Superintendent Lorimer is back in his old haunts at Stewart Street.  He had been called late one night to a murder scene by DS Alistair Wilson, whose daughter had called him to tell him that her flat mate was dead.  The victim, Eva Magnusson, was the daughter of a Swedish millionaire.  Lorimer appoints DI Jo Grant to head up the investigation.

Kirsty Wilson had been working when the murder occurred, while her flat mates had gone to a party.  The three boys who were flatmates all were in a state of shock at Eva's killing.  What kind of witness statements would they be able to provide to DI Grant?  Grant is sure that she has her man when DNA evidence shows that room mate Colin Young had had sex with Eva prior to her being killed.  He must have killed her in a fit of anger.

Kirsty is sure that Colin is not the killer.  She approaches Lorimer to see if he can do anything.  He tells her that he is not the senior investigator; it is out of his hands.  Later he does wonder if they might have gotten it wrong.  With Lorimer's and Eva's father's encouragement, Kirsty does her own investigating, and does find something interesting amongst Eva's possessions.

When another young woman, who looked much like Eva was killed in a similar manner, the police are forced to question whether they got the right person in the first case.  In Christmas Eve, a woman is attacked, fortunately she survives, but barely.  DI Grant is shocked at how much she looks like the two dead women.

As the investigation progresses, it points more and more back to Sweden.  Will Lorimer's trip to Stockholm bring the killer to bay?

Author Alex Gray's murder mystery isn't fast paced, rather has the slog of a real investigation, which in this case is instigated by a young girl's search for the truth.  A real page turner, and hard to put down.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Elgy for Eddie

Eddie Pettit had a way with horses, and was well respected in his community.  Unfortunately an accident took his life, however the costermongers who knew him are sure it wasn't an accident.  They have approached Maisie Dobbs to look into his death.  Eddie was a man that was well known by Maisie and her dad.

Billy Beale, Maisie's assistant, discovers that the son of a teacher who had been helping Eddie had recently drowned.  Coincidence?   The questioning by Billy resulted in him being badly beaten.  His wife blames Maisie. Following up, Maisie discovers that Eddie's teacher is sure that her son's death wasn't an accident.  She is also surprised to learn that the son had been using a desk in a building owned by her best friend's husband.

Maisie wonders what is going on when the man possibly responsible for the death of Eddie and the attack on Billie seemingly takes his own life.  Is there more to his death than a simple suicide?

Author Jacqueline Winspear's murder mystery is much more than that as it delves into conspiracies and the possible horrible future that awaits the world.  Well written and a good, quick read.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Death in Bayswater

The body of a young woman has been found in Norfolk Square.  Her throats has been slashed as has been her face.  Inspector Sharrock was sure that they had a culprit in jail that had committed a similar murder not that long ago.  It would appear that they have the wrong person jailed.

At the same time, detective Frances Doughty has been asked by a mother and daughter to investigate the murder of a young woman who was the fiancĂ© of their son and brother.  Although he has been convicted, they are sure that he is innocent.

Due to the seriousness of the two similar murders, Scotland Yard has been called in to take over the case.  Due to a misguided reporter, a story appears in the local newspaper stating that Frances is helping the police to search for the killer.  However, Frances is studying the similarities of the three cases.

A third woman is killed, which causes great surprise when it is revealed who it is.  A matter of hours later another killing occurs.  Will there be more?  Is Frances safe?

Author Linda Stratmann's murder mystery is not only replete with mysterious deaths, but also deception and treachery.  A very good read, and hard to put down.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Persons Unknown

A man has been found stabbed to death in a park.  His identification shows that he has come from London.  DS Davey Walker is one of the officers working the investigation.  It turns out that the victim is known to Detective Manon Bradshaw; he is her sister Ellie's ex.

A week later a phone call is made to Superintendent Stanton pointing a finger at Fly Dent, Manon's 12 year old adopted son.  DCI  Harriet Harper and Davey can't believe it, but Stanton insists that he be arrested.  He had been seen on CCTV near the murder scene.  Manon thinks it is just because of the colour of his skin that he has been pulled in. Just after Christmas, Fly is arrested.  However, more evidence points to Fly having been at the scene of the crime.

Who can Manon trust now?  The police who have taken Fly?  Fly himself?  Her sister, Ellie?

Although off the official investigation, Manon begins her own.  Fly's lawyer, Mark Talbot is helping her.  Davey also provides a couple of hints, which he shouldn't have done.  The stress of the investigation is hard on Manon as is the incarceration on Fly.  Will the family survive before the truth is found?

Author Susie Steiner's murder mystery is action packed and full of tension.  The reader is left full of concern for Manon and her family.  A thoroughly enjoyable read; hard to put down.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Orphan's Tale

Ingrid Klemt had been an aerialist in a circus when she fell in love and married a Nazi officer.  Unfortunately, later Hitler decreed that any Nazi married to a Jew must divorce.  She was devastated.  Returning to her home she finds that it has been taken over by Nazis.  She is offered a job with a competing circus as her family seems to have disappeared.  She changes her name to Astrid.

Meantime, sixteen year old Noa Weil has stolen a baby boy from a rail car full of babies.  She had just had her own baby taken away from her.  When she cleans the baby boy up she realizes that he is Jewish.  She escapes into a snow storm and is fortunately found by a member of the same circus Astrid is in.  The owner of the circus informs Astrid that she has six weeks to train Noa to become an aerialist.  Can the older, resentful Astrid do it?

The training is hard on Noa.  Astrid doesn't like her.  However, one day after the SS comes in search of a Jew that they heard is with the circus, Noa learns Astrid's story.  She shares her own, and the two women feel closer.  Later, the circus travels by train into France.  Will their papers hold up under scrutiny?

In Thiers, Astrid is recognised by a German soldier.  As a result she is pulled from the act, and she hates Noa as a result.  Noa feels lost without her.  As the season progresses everyone wonders who they can trust.  Astrid also finds that she has fallen pregnant, only her partner knows until Noa guesses.

What the future holds for Astrid and Noa and their children, one can only guess.  Author Pam Jenoff's tale is one of tragedy and hope during a time of unparalleled threats.  A good read.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro have returned to Rome from Britannia.  Cato to his new home and son; sadly his wife Julia had died shortly after giving birth to their son, Lucius two years earlier.  Immediately upon their return they are demanded to show themselves to Narcissus.  Narcissus warns them about the state of things in Rome.  He also provides Cato with devastating news about his wife, Julia.

Right Cato and Macro have been rewarded for their part in the capture of Caratacus, they are sent to Hispania under the command of their old nemesis, Vitellius.  Cato will not have a chance to get to know his son.  Once there, Cato and Macro are ordered to immediately march across the peninsula to a mine to prevent it from falling into the hands of rebels.  It is a suicide mission, for on the way to the mine, Cato finds out that he is outnumbered ten to one. It isn't long after that that the rebels are aware of the presence of Cato and his men.

Ambushed by the rebels, the cohort loses several men.  The following day, Cato makes the decision to carry on, sending the wounded back on the carts.  Will the men survive the march along an alternate route through the mountains to the mine?  Fortunately they make it undiscovered, and through stealth and determination take the mine.  They now have to prove it from the rebels before Vitellius' legion arrives.

Shortly after taking back the mine, the one man with knowledge about the mine and its silver is murdered.  Why, and by whom?  Before the answer can be determined, the rebels arrive.  Can the small cohort defend the mine before help arrives or will the rebels destroy them?

Author Simon Scarrow makes you feel as if you are right in the midst of the battles alongside Cato and Macro.  The action is intense and exciting.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.