Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Blood Will Out

DS Liz Falla has been called out to the home of a hermit.  It appears that he has hung himself.  After her boss, DI Ed Moretti returns from London, they get the post mortem report.  The pathologist wonders how a man with limited upper body strength could have created the huge knot which broke his neck.  Looking at the home of the hermit, Moretti and Falla come to the conclusion that whoever helped the man commit suicide was looking for something amongst his books.

They are joined by a fast tracked officer, DC Al Brown, who has been just posted to Guernsey.  While working on the case an attempt is made on the life of Liz's aunt's neighbour.  His neck had been slashed and the doctor who examined him found what appeared to be bite marks on his throat.  Moretti is sure that the two cases are tied together.

The question is, how can Moretti prove hi theory?  There is one person who knows who the killer is; Meg the Gypsy.  However, she is not prepared to tell anyone.

Author Jill Downie's murder mystery ends with another murder that shows who the real killer is.  A quick and good read.

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