Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Orphan's Tale

Ingrid Klemt had been an aerialist in a circus when she fell in love and married a Nazi officer.  Unfortunately, later Hitler decreed that any Nazi married to a Jew must divorce.  She was devastated.  Returning to her home she finds that it has been taken over by Nazis.  She is offered a job with a competing circus as her family seems to have disappeared.  She changes her name to Astrid.

Meantime, sixteen year old Noa Weil has stolen a baby boy from a rail car full of babies.  She had just had her own baby taken away from her.  When she cleans the baby boy up she realizes that he is Jewish.  She escapes into a snow storm and is fortunately found by a member of the same circus Astrid is in.  The owner of the circus informs Astrid that she has six weeks to train Noa to become an aerialist.  Can the older, resentful Astrid do it?

The training is hard on Noa.  Astrid doesn't like her.  However, one day after the SS comes in search of a Jew that they heard is with the circus, Noa learns Astrid's story.  She shares her own, and the two women feel closer.  Later, the circus travels by train into France.  Will their papers hold up under scrutiny?

In Thiers, Astrid is recognised by a German soldier.  As a result she is pulled from the act, and she hates Noa as a result.  Noa feels lost without her.  As the season progresses everyone wonders who they can trust.  Astrid also finds that she has fallen pregnant, only her partner knows until Noa guesses.

What the future holds for Astrid and Noa and their children, one can only guess.  Author Pam Jenoff's tale is one of tragedy and hope during a time of unparalleled threats.  A good read.

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