Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Zig Zag Girl

The top part and legs of a body were found in the left luggage at Brighton station.  DI Edgar Stephens would later receive the torso addressed to him as "Captain" Edgar Stephens - his rank in the recent war.  He turns to his old magician friend, Max Mephisto, for help because this reminds him of a magic act where a woman is sawed into three parts.

Max is shocked when he sees a picture of the dead woman.  She had been his assistant at one time!  From that information, Stephens is able to find her lodging and a note there that seems to have been printed out specifically for her.

The case takes a bizarre twist when a comedian is killed in his lodging room.  Stephens had been invited to visit him just before he was killed.  There is a connection between Stephens, Max and the new victim from back in the war.  Why was he killed?  Stephens is convinced that the deaths are related to their role with the Magic Men during the war.  He decides that the best option is to check on the remaining members.

Stephens then receives a picture of the Magic Men, with an X through the face of the recent victim, and a promise of "The Wolf Trap" trick.  Does this mean another victim?  What is The Wolf Trap?

Author Elly Griffiths' murder mystery has a few twists to the plot before its surprising conclusion.  A good, quick read.

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