Monday, August 7, 2017

Persons Unknown

A man has been found stabbed to death in a park.  His identification shows that he has come from London.  DS Davey Walker is one of the officers working the investigation.  It turns out that the victim is known to Detective Manon Bradshaw; he is her sister Ellie's ex.

A week later a phone call is made to Superintendent Stanton pointing a finger at Fly Dent, Manon's 12 year old adopted son.  DCI  Harriet Harper and Davey can't believe it, but Stanton insists that he be arrested.  He had been seen on CCTV near the murder scene.  Manon thinks it is just because of the colour of his skin that he has been pulled in. Just after Christmas, Fly is arrested.  However, more evidence points to Fly having been at the scene of the crime.

Who can Manon trust now?  The police who have taken Fly?  Fly himself?  Her sister, Ellie?

Although off the official investigation, Manon begins her own.  Fly's lawyer, Mark Talbot is helping her.  Davey also provides a couple of hints, which he shouldn't have done.  The stress of the investigation is hard on Manon as is the incarceration on Fly.  Will the family survive before the truth is found?

Author Susie Steiner's murder mystery is action packed and full of tension.  The reader is left full of concern for Manon and her family.  A thoroughly enjoyable read; hard to put down.

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