Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Masterpiece of Corruption

John Grey is at his studies when a mysterious message is handed to him, inviting him to a meeting.  When he attends the meeting, he is surprised to find that the invitation was actually for his father, and the other two at the meeting think that he is going to assassinate the Lord Protector, Cromwell.

Grey approaches the Secret Service, and Secretary Thurloe assigns Grey the task of finding the assassin who is the backup plan should his own fail.  His subterfuge is muddled by Aminta Clifford showing up at his place.  She claims to be his cousin, although she isn’t.  He also begins his work at the court of Cromwell.

It isn’t long before he meets Cromwell in person.  Cromwell orders him to continue the deception in hopes they can find who truly wants to murder Cromwell.  Grey slips into the role of double agent quite uncomfortably. Agents of the enemy become suspicious of him, so he is arrested and thrown in The Tower.  Sometime later he is broken out of jail and sent off to Brussels on behalf of the enemy, yet against his own gut feeling.

Author L. C. Tyler’s novel is full of intrigue, double and triple crosses.  One wonders who Grey should put his trust in.  I quite enjoyed the read, and look forward to reading the sequel when it is available.

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