Monday, August 6, 2018

Red Icon

In 1915, Tsar Nicholas gave Inspector Pekkala the task of convincing Rasputin not to take the Russian icon “The Shepherd”, otherwise the Russian people might see it as a bad thing for Russia.  Rasputin, in turn must convince the Tsarina he shouldn’t take it.

However, Rasputin already has it in his possession, and it isn’t long after that that the Tsarina tells Pekkala that the icon is missing.  She also doesn’t want Pekkala investigating it.  Before long, a priest steps forward and admits to stealing the icon and burning it.  The tsar then tells Pekkala that the case is closed.

Thirty years later, two Russian soldiers find the icon in a coffin when they take refuge in a church in Germany.  Stalin wants to know how it came to be there and if it truly is the original icon.  An art historian confirms that it is the original.  Now Pekkala and his helper, Major Kirov need to delve further into the mystery.

They travel to a prison far to the east to interview the priest who claimed to have destroyed the icon.  He tells them the true tale of what he did with it.  Pekkala now wants to know what happened in the intervening years.

Pekkala begins his quest in Finland; there he finds some answers.  Back from Finland, Pekkala and Kirov are called back to the priest’s prison because he has been poisoned by some unknown poison.  It had come in a package he had assumed was from Pekkala.

How deadly is the poison and can Pekkala and Kirov find the icon before more of the deadly poison is utilised?  Author Sam Eastland‘ slate at thriller is fast paced and intriguing.  It was hard to put down and thoroughly enjoyable.

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