Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Templars' Last Secret

Bruno Courreges, chief of police for St. Denis, is just about to head to work when he receives a call about the death of a woman at the base of a cliff.  Did she fall or was she pushed?  The local count is concerned about Templar enthusiasts, but upon seeing the body, suggests that it was posed.  He then shows Bruno a photo of a local ancient statue that had been found in the area; it shows the same exact pose.

Later in the day, Bruno finds that he has had a bureaucrat from Paris foisted upon him.  The woman Amelie, is actually able to help him a bit with puzzling graffiti, which the dead woman had been spray painting on the cliff wall.  She also is a help when it comes to identifying the dead woman.  There seems to be a connection to Israel.

Not long after that, Bruno is informed that the Mossad and Shin Bet are interested in the woman.  It isn’t long before the search is expanded and results begin to pour in; all unbeknownst to Bruno.  It turns out that there were four others with the dead woman and they are terrorists.  The search begins.

Author Martin Walker has plenty of action awaiting the reader, interspersed with periods of calm as Bruno prepares for the wedding of two close friends.  A very good read, which was hard to put down.

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