Saturday, August 4, 2018

The White Raven

Orm and the Oathsworn are back home awaiting the completion of their new ship, Fjord Elk.  They are getting itchy feet, wanting to go raiding again.  When a neighbouring farm is attacked, it is agreed that retribution is necessary.

The first place they attack is Klerkon’s settlement, the leader who had raided their neighbour.  Here they find a boy who claims to be a prince.  Klerkon has named him Crowbone, but Crowbone shows the Oathsworn where to find Klerkon’s gold.  The group moves on to Novgorod as it gets colder.  Their they meet up with a young former companion who is studying business.  Jon takes Orm to meet his old nemesis, Martin.

While in Novgorod, Crowbone kills a man, resulting in the arrest of him and the Oathsworn who were with him at the time.  Fortunately their confinement isn’t long and they are freed, however they must now help the local prince gain a cache of silver that only Orm knows the way to.

It is a very bitter cold through which the group travels.  Crowbone and Orm are taken by treachery away from their companions.  Fortunately for them, they are rescued not long afterwards.  As the group treks on towards their goal, the bitter cold takes their horses and some of the men.  In their weakened state they are attacked by a group of Men Haters.  They manage to survive that and trek on.

However, will they survive the cold and treachery that awaits them?  Author Robert Low’s tale is based on factual events and is told in an exciting fashion.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, which I found hard to put down.

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