Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wings of the Storm

Sigurd Haraldarson and his motley crew are still in Svearland helping Alrick defend his borg from the siege of Jarl Guthrum.  But in the back of Sigurd’s mind is his plan to defeat King Gorm for the humiliation Gorm had handed his family.

Sigurd decides that to lift the seige, he, Florida and Valgerd would attempt a night time raid on Guthrum’s camp.  It backfires and the trio are captured.  It seems that Sigurd is no longer Odin favoured.

When Guthrum marches away from the seige with the three prisoners, it is Valgerd who realises that they are being taken to Ubsola, where blood sacrifices are made to the gods.  Will Guthrum sacrifice them?

When Sigurd’s men discover where Guthrum is headed, they follow under the leadership of Olaf.  Can the eleven men save Sigurd and his companions before they are sacrificed or turned over to their enemies?

Author Giles Kristian’s epic Viking novel is full of action, treachery, blood, guts and glory.  This novel brings the Sigurd Haraldarson saga to a close, and all-in-all was a great way to close out the trilogy.  A thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical fiction.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


L’ Aurore and Captain Kydd have returned to Plymouth to drop off Lord Farndon who was recently released from a Turkish prison.  However, while in port the ship’s carpenter brings Kydd bad news.  There is rot alongside the keel.  This means dry dock and the dispersal of the crew amongst the other ships of the navy.

Kydd is shocked when he finds out that he is to be appointed captain of a brand new frigate, larger and with heavier guns than the L’ Aurore.  The ship is still being built, so he has time of leisure ahead, plus serving as a witness at the court-martial of Captain Popham.

Unfortunately Kydd is overhead speaking about the outcome of the court-martial by a newspaper reporter.  What he says will damn him in the eyes of the Admiralty.  However, he is shocked when they give him command of another frigate.  He soon learns that Tyger’s crew had mutinied and three of the ring leaders had been hung.  The Admiralty is setting him up for failure.

Putting to sea with a depleted crew, Kydd hopes to overcome mutinous men by gaining a prize for the men.  He quickly realises that there is at least one man aboard that could prevent him from gaining the trust of the rest of the crew.  Can Kydd prevent another mutiny?  Can he turn Tyger into a true British fighting vessel?

Kydd and the crew of Tyger are tasked with a special load to be delivered to Tsar Alexander to ensure that Russia will stay in the war against Napoleon.  That means sailing into the mouth of the Baltic.

Returning from that task, Kydd learns from his fleet admiral that when he returns to Yarmouth, he is to lose Tyger.  To prevent this from happening too soon, the admiral sends him to check out the viability of Archangel as a port.  Arctic stores are necessary.

In Archangel, Kydd discovers that the port would need dredging to allow deep hulled vessels in.  He also learns that the Dutch are taking furs out and selling them on to the French.  How can he put a stop to this illicit trade?  When he does, Kydd finds Tyger ordered into the Baltic to help the Prussians.

Tyger is one of author Julian Stockwin’s most interesting naval novels to date.  Action is intense and bloody.  A jolly good read for fans of historical naval fiction.

Monday, October 29, 2018


Hawkwood and his friend, Jago, have recently taken in a pugilistic match where a Chinese man challenged the champion.  Chen easily dispatched the champion and is now teaching Hawkwood how to fight.  It has aided in his physical rehabilitation after the injuries he suffered on his last job for Bow Street.

Not surprisingly, Hawkwood has now been called to Whitehall, and the Alien Office in particular.  He is tasked with going to Paris in disguise to check with an agent there to determine the practicability of forthcoming plans.

Getting to France is not an easy task.  A sudden storm results in Hawkwood and the captain of the ship stranded on the French shore.  Quick thinking and Hawkwood’s ability to speak French saves them from being imprisoned.  More fortune follows.

In Paris, Hawkwood finds the agent he is to meet is an old acquaintance; Captain Grant of the 11th Foot, a man thought to be dead.  From Grant, Hawkwood learns about the dire straits that France is in due to the war, now magnified by Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia.  Grant shocks Hawkwood when he proposes that the pair of them, with some assistance are going to depose the emperor of France!

Is it at all possible?  What if the plans were to go awry?

It is only after they have set their plans in motion that they discover that their French co-conspirators have a different plan in mind.  They plan to take control of the city of Paris!

As in a modern-day coup d’ etat, author James McGee takes us through the preparations and ensuing gambles made by the main characters.  Insider knowledge is needed as is the perfect timing.  A rogues gallery of characters play their part in this historical novel, which I found hard to put down.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Ship of Rome

Atticus is in charge of the trireme Aquila, supported by Septimus and his marines.  They are running for their lives from Carthaginians.  Using his knowledge of the route, Atticus draws one ship into the whirlpool of Charybdis, and ten rams the oars of a second ship.  Septimus and his marines board and kill many while Atticus destroys the rudder.  They then escape.  Aboard that second ship, Admiral Gisco vows vengeance on the Aquila.

At the port of Brolium in northern Sicily, Atticus and Septimus discover the consul Scipio there.  Scipio orders them to take him to Rome where he hopes to rally Rome in the defence against the Carthaginians.  Once docked in Ostia, Scipio orders Atticus and Septimus to accompany him to Rome.

In Rome, Scipio calls for the formation of a navy with him in command.  Unbeknownst to him, a rival junior senator, Duilius, has arranged to have his own name put forth.  Angered, Scipio dismisses Atticus and Septimus who then go to visit Septimus’ family.  There Atticus is introduced to Septimus’ parents and sister, Hadria.

After a lengthy debate, the senate agreed to build a new navy with bit Duilius and Scipio in command.  Atticus can’t believe that a fleet of a hundred and fifty galleys can be built and crewed in time, but Septimus is sure that Rome can do whatever it sets its mind to and in less time than required.  But will it be enough to save the Roman army on Sicily?

A fleet is quickly built and sent out under the command of Scipio.  However, Admiral Gisco destroys it and captures Scipio.  Can Rome, now under the leadership of Duilius, respond  or will Carthage’s navy advance unrestricted?

Author John Stack’s historical novel is well written and thoroughly enjoyable.  He builds up the tension as Rome’s fleet is built leading on to the Battle of Mylae.  Stack’s novel is based on historical fact including the development of the corvus, which became a determining factor at Mylae.  A great read for fans of historical fiction.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Emperor's Assassin

It is 1815 and the former, great Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte has just sailed into Plymouth.  Not as an invader, but rather as a prisoner of the British.

Meanwhile, back in London, Bow Street Runner, Henry Morton, has been informed by the police surgeon that the young woman on his table did not self murder herself, but rather was tortured and then killed.  He turns to his friend, Arabella Malibrant, an actress to see if she can tell him something about the clothes the victim had been wearing.

An older Runner tells Morton that the torture suggests a political motive.  Arabella discovers who made the victim’s dress, and the dressmaker is able to identify the victim, but beyond that she knows nothing of the victim.  When Morton gets to the victim’s house, the workers there are shocked to hear of their mistress’ death.  They inform Morton that she was the mistress of a French count.  Lord Darley tells Morton that the count is an unofficial ambassador of the French king.

Morton shares information he has with a captain from the Admiralty, who knows the Bonapartists in England.  Several names are eliminated because they are dead, but Morton comes away with a few to investigate.  He has a French contact who refined the list and provides him with more background.

The count connected to the first victim is murdered just moments before Morton is to meet with him.  Unfortunately Morton and his assistant arrive too late to prevent the killing.  Are there going to be more assassinations?  Could the killers possibly have Napoleon in mind?

What follows in author T. F. Banks historical thriller is a chase from London to Plymouth, with plenty of action ensuing.  A good quick read.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Red Dahlia

DI Anna Travis has been called out to a murder scene.  There she finds DCI Glen Morgan and several other detectives.  The body of the woman is in worse shape than she anticipated it would be.  Five days after the body was found, it was identified by her roommate.  They could now start the hunt for the killer.

Unfortunately for Morgan’s team, he is hospitalised with a bleeding ulcer and DCI James Langton is assigned the task of heading up the murder team.  The press called it the case of the red dahlia and compared it to one in America.  They are good enough to help the police in their quest to find the tall dark man the victim had been seeing.

Travis discovers a book on the American killing and having read it, shows it to Langton.  The similarities show that they have a copy cat killer on their hands.  Langton brings in a profiler, but Travis isn’t impressed by Professor Marshe because everything she said had already been discussed by the team.

Two weeks in, the killer sends possessions of the victim to a newspaper.  A few days later he is threatening to kill again, having sent a note directly to Langton.  On the eighteenth day, the roommate of the victim is found brutally murdered.

Unfortunately for Travis, her journalist lover takes advantage of her knowledge and publishes it; knowledge that only the killer would know.

By the twenty-second day they have a possible suspect.  But how can they prove that he is the killer?  With only circumstantial evidence, they have nothing.  Can the team gather the evidence to catch a killer or will the killer go free as happened in the American case?

Author Lynda La Plante’s murder mystery is full of suspense, tension and excitement.  This novel is a page turner and hard to put down.  I highly recommend it.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Unhallowed Grave

DI Gerry Heffernan and DS Wesley Peterson have been called out to what the pathologist says might be a murder.  A woman had been found hanging from a tree.  Evidence around her neck points to strangulation prior to her being hung from the tree.  A couple of days later a young lad goes missing.  Heffernan asks that a bulletin be distributed amongst the police.

Meanwhile Peterson’s friend, Neil Watson, who is an archeologist, is in charge of a dig near where the hanging occurred.  A body is found in one of the trenches, and Neil is forced to call in the police.

As the investigation progresses, Heffernan and Peterson learn that the victim has a mysterious background and that the missing lad may have seen the murderer.  If they can find out the past of the victim will that lead to them finding the killer?

Author Kate Ellis presents a few suspects as this murder mystery progresses leaving the reader to wonder which one it truly is.  This is another very good work by Ellis.  A quick and enjoyable read.

Friday, October 19, 2018


L’Aurore has been ordered back to England.  Captain Thomas Kydd is sure that he is to be court martialed for his participation in the Buenos Aires affair.  Surprisingly, the port admiral at Portsmouth welcomes him with open arms.  However, orders await, commanding Kydd to report to London to meet with the First Lord of the Admiralty.

Arriving at the Admiralty, Kydd is shocked to find out that it is the king who has demanded his presence.  Later he is to meet the prime minister.  There he finds out that he is to be knighted.  What does this mean for his future?

Meanwhile, Kydd’s good friend, Nicholas Renzi, has also been to London and discovered that he is now a published author.  He has some considerable wealth as a result.  He then decides to confront his father, only to learn that his father has recently passed on, and Nicholas is now Lord Farndon.  As a result of all of this he decides that he can now propose to Cecilia, Kydd’s sister.

Not long after the wedding, Sir Thomas Kydd and L’ Aurore are sent to participate in the blockade of Cadiz.  Back in England, the new Lord Farndon is presented with an extraordinary opportunity.  He is to become a very special ambassador, and his first task will take him to Constantinople.

Not long after joining the blockade of Cadiz, Kydd is sent to join the Mediterranean fleet in order to extract the ambassador from Constantinople.  Acting on his own initiative, Kydd sails in to Constantinople only to find that the ambassador wants the fleet there as a show of force.  He thinks that the Turks have been too cosy with the French.  Before long, Kydd finds himself sitting on a powder keg.

Farndon arrives in Constantinople the day that L’ Aurore sails away with the ambassador.  What is he to do now?  And so begins a three sided chess game with the French, Turks and English playing.  It is a game, which could have dire consequences. Out in the Mediterranean, L’Aurore joined a large fleet that had orders to force the Dardanelles and if necessary bombard Constantinople. 

Will the fleet be able to bomb Constantinople?  How will Farndon get word of what the French are up to to the fleet?  Can he survive, being the only Englishman in Constantinople?  Author Julian Stockwin answers these questions in the dying pages of this historical novel.  A good read for fans of historical fiction.  It is actually based on some historical facts.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Why has Hawkwood been sent to one of the hulks in the Thames? 

The Home Secretary is concerned about escapes by French prisoners of war from the hulks.  Two naval officers had been sent to investigate.  One has turned up dead, while the other is missing.  Bow Street has sent Hawkwood under cover as a result to investigate the escapes.

Hawkwood latches on to the captain of a privateer.  Lasseur makes it well known to Hawkwood that he plans to escape.  The how and when are the unknown, however.  It is not long before the pair make a connection, but the cost is damnably expensive.

Hawkwood and Lasseur run into trouble when they try to protect a boy from some of the dregs of the hulk’s society.  Could they be hung for killing their opponents?  However, since both are badly injured they are confined to the sick berth.  How will they ever be able to escape in their injured condition?

What awaits Hawkwood and Lasseur is friendship, treachery, gold and plenty of action.  Hawkwood’s old friend Nathaniel Jago will play an integral part, too.  Well written and researched, James McGee’s historical thriller is hard to put down and a fun, exciting read.  I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Various Haunts of Men

The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill

DS Freya Graffham and DC Nathan Coates are checking out the home of a reported missing woman.  The empty house is unremarkable, but Graffham does find a gift wrapped box, and inside were a set of cuff links.  Who was the mysterious man they were intended for?  Later Graffham discovers that the missing woman had been purchasing other jewelry.

DC Nathan Coates is willing to help Graffham despite there not any overtime available.  He has discovered that there were a few other missing people recently.  The case becomes more serious when a young woman goes missing.  Graffham has no difficulty in persuading DCI Simon Serrailler to put more effort into the investigation.

There are links amongst the missing persons, but beyond that Graffham has nothing.  Then an elderly woman goes missing.  Serrailler tells Graffham to act on it.  Will Graffham be able to find what or who is behind the missing people before another goes missing?

Author Susan Hill entwines the stories of the victims into the search done by Graffham and DC Coates.  Hints about who the perpetrator might be are seeded throughout the story, but it isn’t until very late in the mystery that the reader starts to pick up on the truth.  A thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.  I’m looking forward to picking up the sequels.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Little Girl Lost

DI Robyn Carter has been taking an extended leave from her police work due to personal reasons, however to prevent the dulling of her mind, she has been working for her cousin, Ross Cunningham, doing private investigations.  The latest request is to find a missing husband.  Upon speaking to the missing man’s wife, she informs Carter that when she discovered that he was missing, she went through his computer and discovered a file that points to him being a pedophile!

Carter decides to return to work early and make her investigation official.  She learns that the father of the missing man has recently passed away due to a heart attack.  Anyway she turns, she can’t seem to gather information on the missing man.  Fortunately Ross is able to locate the heat attack victim’s computer.  Will Carter be able to access it?

While Carter is in Farnborough checking on possibilities, she receives a call from a member of her team telling her that the housekeeper for the heart attack victim has been found dead in his house.  Not long after this, Carter is informed that the missing man has been found, murdered!  When police go to inform the wife of the victim, they find her dead, also murdered.

Can DI Carter find the killer before they kill again?  Author Carol Wyer’s murder mystery is a complex psychological thriller.  The reader thinks that they know who the killer is only to find themselves questioning their ideas later.  Throughout DI Carter’s investigation, the thoughts of the killer are interspersed to create the basis for the crimes about to be committed, which makes the mystery much more interesting.  This was a thoroughly enjoyable read, and hard to put down.  I’m looking forward to getting my hands on the sequels.

Above Suspicion

DCI James Langton and DS Mike Lewis are working on a series of cold case files when they learn that one of their number has been hospitalised.  Langton requests that a rookie DS, Anna Travis, join their squad.  She is the daughter of his former mentor.

Along with DC Barolli, the three attend a murder site, however they can’t claim it unless they can prove a connection to their cold cases.  Following the autopsy, Langton is sure that the victim has died in the same way his cold cases had.  This victim had been dead at least four weeks.  He tells Travis to begin to familiarise herself with the case files.

Will forensics be able to show that the most recent victim is connected to the cold cases Langton and his team have been working on?  Travis feels very inadequate as a rookie on the cases.  Langton is fortunate enough to get the recent case turned over to him, because he is sure that he has a serial killer on his hands.

There are alarming differences between the past victims and the most recent, but not the method of killing.  The murder team get a few lucky breaks, and are sure that the killer will strike again.  Travis is sent to Spain to question a former cop who may have some ideas about the killer.  Travis comes up with a suspect, but all the evidence the team gathers is circumstantial; not enough to take the man to court.

Author Lynda La Plante’s first murder mystery in this series is immensely intriguing.  The reader’s attention is grasped right from the first page.  The detectives find themselves making progress only to receive a setback, over and over again.  The reader is left wondering if the team will ever get the culprit.  I found this book hard to put down; one of the best murder mysteries I’ve read.  I can’t wait to get my hands on the sequels.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Winter's Fire

Sigurd Haraldarson and his small crew have settled into their overly large and cold hall for the winter.  Elsewhere, King Gorm wants revenge on Sigurd, but is wary because Sigurd is god-protected.  Gorm’s former champion, Moldof, promises to wreak vengeance on Sigurd.

Gorm sends an envoy, hoping to buy Sigurd’s allegiance.  Sigurd doesn’t accept the purchase price and sends the envoy back - dead.  Gorm’s reply is to send an assassin.  However, before the assassin arrives, Sigurd takes his ship and crew south.  It will not be an easy trip.

Wanting his sister, Runa, to be safe while he set about his vengeance, Sigurd arranges for her to be left on the island of Freyja Maidens; women who train to be warriors.

Will the assassin get to Sigurd or is there some other treachery afoot that will do in Sigurd and his men?  And what if Runa?  Is she to be forgotten or will she become a warrior? 

There are plenty of battles in author Giles Kristian’s latest historical thriller, each one with rough, dangerous action; each one leaving Sigurd and his small band of men on the cusp of destruction.  The story is well paced and hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the third book in this trilogy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Armada Boy

Neil Watson was all prepared for an archeological dug at an old decrepit chapel when he discovered the body of an elderly man there.  DS Wesley Peterson and his boss DI Heffernan begin the investigation.  It turns out that the man was part of a WWII veterans group visiting the area.

Early on, three young beggars come to the attention of Heffernan and Peterson.  One of them has threatened his aunt with a flick knife.  Unfortunately the police can only apprehend his two sidekicks.

The following night, an American tourist goes missing.  She had actually been from the area prior to the war, and had married an American GI.  Her clothes and suitcase are also missing.  Her car would be found later by a constable, locked, but with what appear to be blood stains on the seat.

A psychic repeatedly insists to Heffernan that he needs to find “The Armada Boy” in order to solve the case.  When Peterson finds The Armada Boy, it brings some ideas to mind, but will it be enough?

Author Kate Ellis has plenty of twists and turns followed by dead ends before DS Peterson is able to figure out who the culprit truly is.  A good, quick read for fans of this genre.

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Fire Court

It is several months since the great fire, which had destroyed much London.  James Marwood’s father has just been run over by a cart and killed. A street sweeper had been amongst the first at the scene of the accident and heard Marwood’s father ask, “Where’s the rook?”, before he died.  Marwood wonders what that means.  Also, a note with names is found in his father’s jacket.  Marwood learns that the names are connected to the Fire Court.  What could that mean?

He turns to his friends, Simon Hakesby and Catherine Lovett for help in gathering information about the judges at the Fire Court.

A few days later, Marwood’s boss, Williamson, sends him to investigate the body of a woman found amongst the ruins of a building near the Fire Court.  She is identified as the niece of of a wealthy man, who is trying to rebuild in one of the burned out areas.  However, not long after that, Marwood is sent off to Scotland on a fool’s errand.  Is that to keep him out of the way?

Catherine has also gathered some information about the victim.  Could the niece have been killed by her lover?

Before Marwood can head off to Scotland, he is badly injured in a fire while trying to save a man who could possibly provide him with information.  Not long after this, Cat has to go into hiding.  She finds out that there are people looking for both her and Marwood.

Dangers await the pair, will they discover proof to bring the killer to justice or will the killer escape?  Author Andrew Taylor has plenty of crises and surprises ahead as Marwood and Cat move forward to the final culmination of this thriller.  An excellent read, and difficult to put down.  I highly recommend it.