Friday, October 5, 2018

Winter's Fire

Sigurd Haraldarson and his small crew have settled into their overly large and cold hall for the winter.  Elsewhere, King Gorm wants revenge on Sigurd, but is wary because Sigurd is god-protected.  Gorm’s former champion, Moldof, promises to wreak vengeance on Sigurd.

Gorm sends an envoy, hoping to buy Sigurd’s allegiance.  Sigurd doesn’t accept the purchase price and sends the envoy back - dead.  Gorm’s reply is to send an assassin.  However, before the assassin arrives, Sigurd takes his ship and crew south.  It will not be an easy trip.

Wanting his sister, Runa, to be safe while he set about his vengeance, Sigurd arranges for her to be left on the island of Freyja Maidens; women who train to be warriors.

Will the assassin get to Sigurd or is there some other treachery afoot that will do in Sigurd and his men?  And what if Runa?  Is she to be forgotten or will she become a warrior? 

There are plenty of battles in author Giles Kristian’s latest historical thriller, each one with rough, dangerous action; each one leaving Sigurd and his small band of men on the cusp of destruction.  The story is well paced and hard to put down.  I am looking forward to reading the third book in this trilogy.

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