Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Armada Boy

Neil Watson was all prepared for an archeological dug at an old decrepit chapel when he discovered the body of an elderly man there.  DS Wesley Peterson and his boss DI Heffernan begin the investigation.  It turns out that the man was part of a WWII veterans group visiting the area.

Early on, three young beggars come to the attention of Heffernan and Peterson.  One of them has threatened his aunt with a flick knife.  Unfortunately the police can only apprehend his two sidekicks.

The following night, an American tourist goes missing.  She had actually been from the area prior to the war, and had married an American GI.  Her clothes and suitcase are also missing.  Her car would be found later by a constable, locked, but with what appear to be blood stains on the seat.

A psychic repeatedly insists to Heffernan that he needs to find “The Armada Boy” in order to solve the case.  When Peterson finds The Armada Boy, it brings some ideas to mind, but will it be enough?

Author Kate Ellis has plenty of twists and turns followed by dead ends before DS Peterson is able to figure out who the culprit truly is.  A good, quick read for fans of this genre.

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