Monday, October 1, 2018

The Fire Court

It is several months since the great fire, which had destroyed much London.  James Marwood’s father has just been run over by a cart and killed. A street sweeper had been amongst the first at the scene of the accident and heard Marwood’s father ask, “Where’s the rook?”, before he died.  Marwood wonders what that means.  Also, a note with names is found in his father’s jacket.  Marwood learns that the names are connected to the Fire Court.  What could that mean?

He turns to his friends, Simon Hakesby and Catherine Lovett for help in gathering information about the judges at the Fire Court.

A few days later, Marwood’s boss, Williamson, sends him to investigate the body of a woman found amongst the ruins of a building near the Fire Court.  She is identified as the niece of of a wealthy man, who is trying to rebuild in one of the burned out areas.  However, not long after that, Marwood is sent off to Scotland on a fool’s errand.  Is that to keep him out of the way?

Catherine has also gathered some information about the victim.  Could the niece have been killed by her lover?

Before Marwood can head off to Scotland, he is badly injured in a fire while trying to save a man who could possibly provide him with information.  Not long after this, Cat has to go into hiding.  She finds out that there are people looking for both her and Marwood.

Dangers await the pair, will they discover proof to bring the killer to justice or will the killer escape?  Author Andrew Taylor has plenty of crises and surprises ahead as Marwood and Cat move forward to the final culmination of this thriller.  An excellent read, and difficult to put down.  I highly recommend it.

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