Monday, October 29, 2018


Hawkwood and his friend, Jago, have recently taken in a pugilistic match where a Chinese man challenged the champion.  Chen easily dispatched the champion and is now teaching Hawkwood how to fight.  It has aided in his physical rehabilitation after the injuries he suffered on his last job for Bow Street.

Not surprisingly, Hawkwood has now been called to Whitehall, and the Alien Office in particular.  He is tasked with going to Paris in disguise to check with an agent there to determine the practicability of forthcoming plans.

Getting to France is not an easy task.  A sudden storm results in Hawkwood and the captain of the ship stranded on the French shore.  Quick thinking and Hawkwood’s ability to speak French saves them from being imprisoned.  More fortune follows.

In Paris, Hawkwood finds the agent he is to meet is an old acquaintance; Captain Grant of the 11th Foot, a man thought to be dead.  From Grant, Hawkwood learns about the dire straits that France is in due to the war, now magnified by Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia.  Grant shocks Hawkwood when he proposes that the pair of them, with some assistance are going to depose the emperor of France!

Is it at all possible?  What if the plans were to go awry?

It is only after they have set their plans in motion that they discover that their French co-conspirators have a different plan in mind.  They plan to take control of the city of Paris!

As in a modern-day coup d’ etat, author James McGee takes us through the preparations and ensuing gambles made by the main characters.  Insider knowledge is needed as is the perfect timing.  A rogues gallery of characters play their part in this historical novel, which I found hard to put down.  A thoroughly enjoyable read.

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