Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Plague of Poison

Bascot de Marins has been asked by Lady Nicolaa to sort out the matter of two sudden deaths.  Both men appear to have eaten tainted food, or were their deaths caused by some pestilence?  It is quickly determined that the intended victim was Nicolaa!  Is the cook guilty of attempting to poison her?

The following morning de Marins is called into the town where three people have died from the same poison; honey from the same apiary.  The people of Lincoln begin to express their fear and distrust of their fellow citizens.  Some decide that it would be best to leave.

When another death occurs, it seems like the only culprit can be the potter who made the pots in which the poisoned honey was kept.  Arrested and brought to trial, the evidence presented can only lead to one conclusion and that is a verdict of guilty.

The same day of the trial, another man is brutally murdered.  Gianni, de Marins' adopted son, suggests that the killer could also be the poisoner.  As he investigates further, de Marin is inclined to agree.  It seems that someone has possibly returned to Lincoln bent on revenge.  He now needs to find the necessary evidence to prove his theory.

Can de Marins gather the evidence needed out the killer before he strikes again?  Author Maureen Ash’s novel comes to a quick conclusion as de Marins and Lady Nicolaa set their plans into action.  A good, quick read.

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