Thursday, December 27, 2018

Battle for Rome

Aurelius Castus has been tasked with delivering a message from Emperor Constantine to Emperor Licinius.  Will he survive the ambush set up by the Burgundians?  By fortune he does, and as a result he is appointed tribune of the Second Britiannica Legion.  It will be a big task preparing the legion for the upcoming battles.

Constantine has decided to march on Italy and consolidate his hold as emperor.  Some battles are easier than others, and men die.  In one battle, Castus leads the breaking of a seige, and in another he is badly wounded in the face.  It was after the last battle that he is informed by a friend that his wife has been having an affair.

South of Verona, an army is massing to repel Constantine and raise his seige on that city.  It is following this battle that Castus loses his command.  He had once again saved Constantine during battle, but this time he had had to carry the emperor from the battle, and one doesn’t lay hands on the emperor!

Castus is next tasked with travelling to Rome as a spy by his old nemesis, Julius Nigrinus.  Is it safe for them to travel behind enemy lines?  Author Ian Ross has an exciting conclusion to this historical novel.  The story is based on historical facts, and is full of fast paced action.  A thoroughly enjoyable read for fans of historical fiction.

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