Saturday, December 1, 2018

Swords Around the Throne

Centurion Aurelius Castus of the Third Cohort, Sixth Legion has earned the enmity of Centurion Satrius Urbicus of the First Cohort Second Legion after beating the man while defending his own men.  Both legions are on their way to Colonia Agrippina to prepare for war against the enemy across the Rhine.

In one of the first battles across the Rhine, Castus loses a good friend, Centurion Valens, a man who had been with him in Britannia.  Castus’ fortune changes after a major battle in which he comes to the aid of Emperor Constantine.  As a result he is appointed to the emperor’s bodyguards.

Shortly after becoming a member of the bodyguards, Castus is told by one of the emperor’s staff to be on the watch for a traitor amongst the bodyguards.  However, treachery results in Castus being imprisoned and charged with treason.  He is told that Constantine is dead and there is anew emperor to whom he must swear allegiance.

Constantine is not dead, and he brings his army south to besiege Massilia where the upstart emperor is.  Castus finds himself in a tenuous position now.

Author Ian Ross has plenty more action awaiting Castus before the conclusion of this novel.  Based on historical fact, it is well researched and well written.  A thoroughly good read for fans of historical fiction.

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