Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Pure in Heart

DCI Simon Serrailler and DS Nathan Coates have been called out to investigate a missing child.  A young lad was snatched while he was waiting for his ride to school.  The thing is, the police don’t know that for sure.

Several days later Serrailler’s handicapped sister passes away.  Later that same day, his other sister gave birth to a son.  With all that’s going on, Serrailler is in a mix of emotions.  Unable to sleep, Serrailler goes for a drive and spots a car that was observed in the area where the boy was snatched.  He follows it and, with backup apprehends the driver.  A few minutes later, someone comes along to pick up the car.  Serrailler is injured while trying to stop the new suspects.

Later the father of the missing child commits suicide, and a day later the body of a child is found.  Is it the boy?  And what’s the connection to the suicide?

Author Susan Hill has plenty of troubling times ahead for Serrailler and his team as they continue the investigation.  Hill works Serrailler’s personal life into the story and how each affects the other.  A good, quick read.

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