Monday, November 26, 2018

The Blooding

It is December 1812 and Matthew Hawkwood finds himself in Albany, New York and a long ways from home.  With the Americans planning an invasion of Canada, he knew he had to gather information and then head north.  But which route would be the best?  As he plans, he sees a group of British prisoners of war, one of whom he recognises.

Major Lawrence had once been Hawkwood’s second in a dual in London.  He had to rescue the man so they could make their escape to the north.  It is not going to be easy.  Once rescued, Lawrence and Hawkwood would be fugitives and a long ways from Canada.  Would they be able to make good their escape?

Author James McGee has plenty of excitement and action awaiting the pair as they make their way north through Indian territory.  Chased by an American force the reader wonders whether they will survive.  McGee also liberally sprinkles the story with Hawkwood’s own background, which enhances the the story.  A thrillingly good read.

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