Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Funeral Boat

A farmhouse has been broken into and the owner injured in the fracas.  DS Wesley Peterson and his DI, Gerry Heffernan have been to the hospital to visit the victim.  While there Peterson gets a call about a skeleton being discovered on another farm.

Back at the office DC Rachel Tracey receives a woman who has come in to report a missing person.  A young Danish woman has disappeared.  Initially, Tracey isn’t overly concerned about the woman being missing.

Peterson calls his friend Neil Watson, who is an archaeologist, to examine the skeleton.  Both are convinced that what has been found is a Viking burial site.

The car of the missing woman has been found and her possessions still in it, undisturbed.  A pad with what smells like chloroform is also found in the car.  Has she been abducted?  Peterson and Tracey go to her B & B to examine her room.  When the missing woman’s brother shows up, Peterson is sure that he is withholding something.

Fortunately they are able to arrest the men involved in the farm break ins.  They refuse to give up the fourth man involved.  It is at this time that Heffernan learns that there is a another group also breaking into farms.

However, there are still other cases to be resolved.  Author Kate Ellis hints at suspects, and provides a surprising end to this murder mystery.  A good quick read.  I find that I’m quite enjoying this series.

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