Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Bespoke Murder

When the Lusitania was sunk, people went berserk in her home port of Liverpool.  Anyone or business with a German sounding name was attacked throughout England.

Detective Inspector Harvey Marmion has been assigned to look into one such attack in London where a tailor’s shop was burned to the ground with the tailor inside.  Marmion’s superior, Sir Edward Henry wants the man who started the fire arrested.  Marmion takes his right hand man, DS Joe Keedy with him to begin the investigation.

At the site of the fire, they are told that the owner is dead.  He had been stabbed in the chest and the safe was wide open.  Marmion is sure that the murder and arson were planned in advance and the mob taken advantage of to commit the murder.  He is also shocked to find out that the daughter of the shop owner had been raped at the time of the fire by two soldiers.  He plans on bringing them to justice despite them having been shipped out to France the following day.

Marmion and Keedy travel to the war zone in Belgium, hot on the trail of the rapists.  Shortly after having brought the culprits back to England, one of them escapes custody.  He can have only one thing in mind, and Marmion hopes to prevent that from happening.  But will that prevent the detectives from solving the other case?

Author Edward Marston has plenty of fast paced action for the two detectives in this murder mystery and more than one case to solve.  I’ve quite enjoyed the writing of Marston in his other series and am looking forward to reading the remaining books in this series.

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