Thursday, November 8, 2018

Instrument of Slaughter

Detective Superintendent Chatfield has appointed DI Harvey Marmion to investigate the murder of a conscientious objector, against his better judgement.  However, the commissioner has insisted that the DI be the lead investigator.  Chatfield is not one to let his detectives have their head and investigate freely.  He wants to know everything.

Marmion discovers that the librarian where the victim worked had an issue with the victim because the victim had a brilliant idea, which the librarian refused to implement.  Meanwhile DS Keedy has arrested a man who vandalised the victim’s house.  However, does this bring the killer any closer to capture?  They also have one other possible suspect.

When surprising new information comes to light, Marmion is frustrated.  He realises that he and Keedy have been looking in the wrong area.  Then there is an an attack on another man.  Fortunately he survives.  Are the two attacks connected?

Author Edward Marston presents two possible suspects as the detectives close in on them.  He then throws a couple of twists into the investigation before Marmion and Keedy are able to solve it.  A good, quick read.

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