Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Bone Garden

DS Wesley Peterson and DI Gerry Heffernan have been called out to an archeological site where two skeletons have been found.  The pathologist agrees that they are a couple of centuries old, so nothing for the police to be concerned about.  Peterson is surprised at the name of the original tenant; it is the same as his mother’s maiden name.

The next day an anonymous phone call informs the police of a body in the local caravan site.  After an extensive search the body of a young man, who has been stabbed in the back is found in one of the caravans.  A young witness is able to provide a very good description of the killer.  Unfortunately when Peterson is supposed to meet with the supposed culprit, he seems to have disappeared into thin air!  His body is found a few hours later.  Murder or an accident?

Author Kate Ellis’ murder mystery is written to parallel a similar one a few centuries earlier.  Peterson sees the parallels, but almost loses one of his fellow officers before he solves the case.  A good, quick read.

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